2022 Maryland Legislative Session Begins Today!

January 2022
Greetings Friends,
With the first snowfall, it feels like it's time for the 2022 Maryland Legislative Session to begin, and I'm ready to get to work for the people of Maryland and especially, District 9B! The first day of the Legislative Session is Wednesday, January 12. While the House of Delegates Office Building will be open to the public, there will not be any receptions or large gatherings and masks must be worn at all times. The House of Delegates committee procedings will again be virtual.
The Maryland General Assembly website includes information about hearing schedules and rules pertaining to giving testimony to committees, as well as recordings of MGA hearings and legislative sessions. It's a great resource, and you can follow a bill or several bills by registering on MyMGA - click on the icon at the right hand corner of the webpage.
To go straight to hearing rules, click on: House of Delegates Guidelines for 2022.
I have prefiled three sponsored bills, and have an additional bill in the works. You can see the details of the prefiled bills here by typing "Watson" in the FILTER box.
As always, I welcome your input, so don't hesititate to contact my office. It is my honor and privilege to serve District 9B as a State Delegate.
To see my latest newsletter, click here.
Best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year to you and your family!
