Today I Filed House Bill 78 - Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund – Authorized Uses
Today I Filed House Bill 78 - Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund – Authorized Uses
I have filed this bill as primary sponsor, and it has a hearing date. More will follow. Please contact me if you would like information on this bill, or to submit testimony.
This bill will allow the administration to have flexibility in granting local governments funds for flood control. Currently this massive fund is used only for water quality projects such as upgrading sewer treatment plants. The upgrades to major sewer treatment plants have now been completed and thus there is capacity in the fund that could be used to help with projects like the Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan in Howard County. Water quality and water quantity (flooding) are inextricably linked, and we cannot have one without the other. All counties will be able to benefit from this change, as we face new stormwater control demands from climate change. Hearing 1/29 at 2:00 p.m. Environment and Transportation Committee, Room 251 House Office Building Annapolis, Maryland 21401