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In Memoriam Speaker Michael E. Busch

On the last day of the legislative session, there are heavy hearts in the State House as we complete the work for the year. I appreciate and am grateful for Speaker Busch’s impact on the citizens of Maryland.

The Honorable Speaker Mike Busch

I thought often throughout the last 90 days, my first legislative session, how lucky I was to serve in the House of Delegates with Mike Busch as Speaker. I learned so much watching him lead the House through debates, always in command, and always with a sense of humor. I marveled at his skill as a leader who nourished and grew other leaders, and someone for whom inclusiveness was a core value lived every day.

I, like many others, called him Coach. I remember being called to his office in 2017 to discuss with him my interest in serving in the House of Delegates and running in a swing district held by the other party. He said, “you are going to have to work hard.” I told him he didn’t have to worry about that and he gave me his million dollar smile, which made me want to work even harder. I remember him calling me in the fall of 2018 after the primary election and as the general election was heating up. I won’t share his exact words, but they were motivating, made me feel valued and that he and his team had my back.

I’m so sorry for our House of Delegates, for the state of Maryland, and for the Busch family. The legacy Speaker Busch has left as one of the greatest legislative leaders in Maryland history will live on, and so will his impact on thousands of us as a treasured coach.

A big thumbs up to you too, Mr. Speaker.

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