Election Day is 100 Days from Today

Election Day is 100 days from today: November 6, 2018.
The 2016 Election taught an unforgettable lesson: every single vote matters, and the outcome can have a long-lasting, even devastating, impact on our democracy.
On November 6, the voters of Ellicott City will have an opportunity to cast a vote FOR the values and policies that have been threatened since the 2016 Presidential Election.
But Courtney can't win in 100 days without your help today.
Courtney has decades of public service and community experience, and she will stand up for your family's right to healthcare, mental health care and addiction treatment, for women's reproductive rights, and for safe public schools and modern educational opportunities for our kids.
Courtney will stand up for families, and she will stand up for you. Courtney has just $5,075 to go to reach her July goal - and just 100 days to make sure every voter knows just how high the stakes are on November 6.
Can you help Courtney reach more voters by making a contribution today? Together, we can elect Courtney, a proven leader who is ready to fight for our families and our values in the State House.
-Team Watson P.S. - If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Friends of Courtney Watson, PO Box 1442, Ellicott CIty, MD 21041