An Important Message from Courtney
Friends, Early voting is underway and Primary Election Day is next Tuesday, June 26, from 7 am-8 pm.

This is an important vote for our community, and I am heartened by how many voters I have already seen at the polls. I hope to see you there, too. I very much appreciate your support of my candidacy these last few weeks and months and especially in the past few days. The work I have done the last two decades on behalf of our neighborhoods could not have been done without your help during long election years. Many have contacted me about a mailer they recently received that was mean spirited, and more importantly, full of falsehoods. I am disappointed beyond measure at this negative attack ad. Fake news has no place in our Howard County. My opponent, Dan Medinger, has said that he did not send this mailer and I believe him. I know that he feels, as I do, that negative campaigning in a primary race is never beneficial and that it is important we take the high road and stick together to reach our shared goals in November. The unfortunate mailer was sent by a former Sierra Club member, who, to my knowledge, does not speak on behalf of the Howard County Sierra Club or on behalf of Dan. It is not important when Dan or the Sierra Club knew about the mailer, if they had no hand in creating it. All candidates should be outraged at the tactics used by this individual and we should strive to keep this out of our campaigns in the future. My campaign is committed to adhering to the truth, facts, transparency, and running a positive campaign. Like you, I love our community. I continue to work hard for the people of Ellicott City. And, I stand proudly by my record of service.
On Education, I’ve worked hard to support and improve the best school system in the nation because I believe that every student deserves the opportunity to achieve success. I am committed to strengthening our schools, removing barriers to learning, supporting our teachers and finding ways to make higher education more affordable. I am proud to be on the Apple Ballot, and the only candidate in this race endorsed by the Maryland State Education Association and the Howard County Education Association.
On Women’s Rights, I have a long pro-choice history of advocacy and I will continue to fight for the rights of women and girls in our community and across the state. I am the only candidate endorsed by Maryland NARAL in this race, and I appreciate their support.
On the Environment, I know our quality of life is dependent on our quality of environment. Land preservation, self-sustaining practices, investment in smart energy options and reducing the impact of development are not only sound environmental priorities but fiscally responsible policies that I will fight for. I am very honored to be the only candidate in this race endorsed by the Maryland League of Conservation Voters.
On Jobs and the Economy, as a member of the business community, I know that a strong economy is dependent on a strong business environment and I will work to ensure that Maryland does more to build an environment where business can grow and thrive.
On Transportation, I believe that Maryland needs a comprehensive long-term transportation plan that is economically and environmentally balanced. The continued growth of the Baltimore/Washington economy and the emergence of new transportation technologies make improved transportation planning a must.
On Healthcare, I will work tirelessly to make sure that every Maryland resident has access to quality affordable health care. I strongly believe good healthcare is a right, not a privilege.
I am the only candidate in this campaign that has been endorsed by all of the Democratic Clubs in Howard County, the AFL-CIO of Maryland, Leap Forward and Liuna and I am honored to be a Candidate of Distinction for Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America. These endorsements underscore the broad and diverse support my campaign has in our county, and across the state. All of that said, I would like to take a moment to address some of the allegations in the mailer I mentioned, should you have questions yourself or if you are asked questions about my record. I have fought long and hard on the ground for our community while on the School Board, and as a member of the County Council. I proudly stand by my work, and my record. Here are some examples of the facts … the truth:
During my time on the Council, I voted against new development more than any other Councilmember.
Housing units built decreased during my time on the Council compared with prior years. For example, 1999-2004 1850 new units were built on average per year, but 2006-2012, 1339 units were built on average per year.
I publish my donor list online for everyone to see on a regular basis and I follow all laws regarding campaign contributions. I have always had hundreds of small dollar donations more than my opponents indicating the breadth of grassroots support. I am not "funded by developers", nor do I make decisions on public policy based on who contributes to my campaign.
I am responsible for strengthening APFO as a member of the APFO committee in prior years.
My legislation to decrease infill development has resulted in 73 acres being permanently saved as open space in existing neighborhoods in Ellicott City (Neighborhood Preservation Legislation). That's over 100 houses I eliminated as infill development in older neighborhoods.
I voted against a significant increase in density proposed on Route 1.
I am an expert at solving complex problems such as the lack of power reliability in the Dunloggin/Font Hill area which I solved by working with community leaders to get the Public Service Commission to mandate BGE improvements in the area.
I am independent. For example, I stood up to the Democratic Governor when he wanted to place a train-to-truck depot in a residential neighborhood. I also stood up to the Democratic County Executive and Council when Belmont was being considered for development and eventually saved it through county ownership of the property and preservation easements.
I am relentless in my efforts to get improvements for citizens, to obtain a traffic light at Montgomery Road/New Cut Road, and at Folly Quarter/Frederick Road and other areas.
Many of you have reached out this week asking how you can help, and I thank you. Let’s get out to the polls and talk to voters. If you can help with an hour or two shift Wednesday or Thursday at Miller Library let me know and I’ll get you plugged into a spot. Here is the link to volunteer for primary Election Day (6/26) polling help when we need dozens of volunteers. If you have any questions, please let me know. Let's stay positive, keep working hard, get the win next week, and then work to send a strong, experienced, and committed representative to Annapolis. Sincerely, Courtney