Maryland Priorities
Strengthening Maryland Education
I’ve worked hard to support and improve the best school system in the nation because I believe that every student deserves the opportunity to achieve success. A strong public school system is the foundation of a strong society. I am committed to strengthening our schools, removing barriers to learning, supporting our teachers and finding ways to make higher education more affordable.
As your Maryland State Delegate, I have committed to improving education in the state. I am a strong advocate for the Blueprint for Maryland's Future, which is a historic investment in education that will benefit students, teachers, and families across the state. The Maryland Blueprint will:
Receive $900 million in funding
Expand access to pre-K for all Marylanders
Increases teacher salaries
Uses a weighted pupil-funding model to allocate funds based on the number of students enrolled and their needs
Aims to ensure that every child in Maryland has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for success in the 21st century
Flooding and Storm Water Management
Since taking office, I am proud to have invested in the Howard County Safe and Sound plan, which includes critical flood mitigation projects to prevent flooding in Ellicott City. The plan's projects will greatly reduce the impact of flooding in Ellicott City by providing resilient infrastructure, managing stream debris, and increasing green space. Some of the specific projects included in the plan are:
Construction of dry flood mitigation facilities
Improvements to flood mitigation for the Lower Main Street area
Planning and hydraulic modeling efforts
Construction of a tunnel that will intercept stormwater from the Hudson Branch to the Patapsco River
By implementing these projects, Howard County will protect the lives of Ellicott City's residents, preserve the historic and cultural value of Main Street, and encourage economic development.
Public Safety & Healthcare
Improving healthcare and public safety in Maryland has been one of my top priorities since taking office in 2019. As the only Howard County State Delegation member on the House Appropriations Committee, I was instrumental in securing $1.5 million in funding for a behavioral health unit at Howard County General Hospital.
Some other major accomplishments include:
Gun Safety Act of 2023, which places restrictions on wearing, carrying, or transporting firearms.
Reproductive healthcare bill that would enshrine protection into the state constitution if supported by Maryland voters.
Establishes the Maryland State Police Gun Center to handle firearms surrendered under final protective orders.
$12 million in behavioral health funding for the 988 phone line.
Extending coverage of tele-health to June 30, 2025 by the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers, nonprofit health services plans and health maintenance organizations.
Transportation & Environment
During the 2023 Legislative Session, I had the privilege of serving as Vice Chair of the Transportation & Environment Subcommittee of Appropriations. At the end of the session, I was appointed by the Speaker to serve as Chair of the same committee.
As the new Chair, my responsibilities include overseeing the budget process in Appropriations for the following state departments: the Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Energy Administration, Department of Planning, and a number of other agencies.
Over the past couple of years, the Maryland General Assembly has passed several bills aimed at addressing the ongoing climate crisis. Here are some of them:
The Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act, which aims to address the climate crisis and promote environmental justice
The Climate, Labor, and Environmental Equity Act of 2023, which aims to address the climate crisis while promoting labor and environmental equity
The Clean Trucks Act of 2023 requires the Maryland transportation system to accommodate the use of clean trucks, reducing the state's reliance on fossil fuels
Offshore Wind Energy Act quadruples Maryland's offshore wind generation goals from about 2 GW to 8.5 GW by 2031, improving its transmission
Jobs & Economy
I believe that Maryland needs to do more to build an environment where business can grow and thrive. A strong economy requires reasonable regulatory policies and an infrastructure that supports a sound business environment including workforce readiness programs, public transportation, good schools and limited tax incentives to stimulate business growth.
As a member of the business community, I know that a strong economy is dependent on a strong business environment. During my time on the County Council and despite difficult economic times, Howard County added more private sector jobs than any other Maryland County and our unemployment rate was the lowest in the state.
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, I sponsored HB 12 which legalized the distribution and sale of alcoholic beverage off the premises of a restaurant, helping to combat the hardships faced by restaurant businesses across the state.
By Authority: Friends of Courtney Watson, Kevin Doyle, Treasurer
© 2018 Friends of Courtney Watson
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