District 9 Night in Annapolis
Thank you to the 100+ people from District 9 in Howard County who made the trip to Annapolis tonight for “District 9 Night in Annapolis”....

Helping Ellicott City - Flood Mitigation Grant Program
Throughout the campaign for the Delegate 9B seat, I said I believed the the state could, and should, do more to help historic Ellicott...

Co-Sponsored Several Bills
It was the first full week in the General Assembly. I have cosponsored several bills written by my colleagues including one that restores...

Howard County Working Together in Annapolis
Thank you to the County Council and Board of Education for attending a work session with the state delegation today. The topics were...

Time to Get to Work in Annapolis!
Moved into office - check. State ID secured - check. Parking spot received - check. Hired Terry Chaconas as Legislative Aide - check....