Proud to Be a Co-Sponsor of Grace's Law 2.0
Proud to be a cosponsor on this bill. We must be vigilant to the harm our children can receive while using social media. Keep an eye on...

Minimum Wage Bill in the Economic Matters Committee in the House
We are hearing the minimum wage bill today in the Economic Matters committee in the House. Hallways are packed with people on all sides...

My First Bill Vote Today!
First bill vote was this morning! Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins is the sponsor of the bill which adds additional items to a reporting law...

Environmental Issues Heard in Annapolis
Nick from the student group “Baltimore Beyond Plastic” spoke at the Environmental Summit today. His group helped pass environmental...

I Attended a Briefing by the Mental Health Association of Maryland
I attended a briefing by the Mental Health Association of MD last night. This umbrella organization is doing great work to advance bills...

Advocates of HCPSS in Annapolis
Really happy to be with these advocates of the Howard County Public School System in Annapolis including Christina Delmont-Small - Board...

State of the State Address
Today was the State of the State address. The senate and house of delegates heard from the Governor and then a reception was held...

District 9 Night in Annapolis
Thank you to the 100+ people from District 9 in Howard County who made the trip to Annapolis tonight for “District 9 Night in Annapolis”....

Helping Ellicott City - Flood Mitigation Grant Program
Throughout the campaign for the Delegate 9B seat, I said I believed the the state could, and should, do more to help historic Ellicott...

Co-Sponsored Several Bills
It was the first full week in the General Assembly. I have cosponsored several bills written by my colleagues including one that restores...