Fantastic Howard County League of Women Voters Brunch
Fantastic League of Women Voters brunch today where the county’s state delegation was able to discuss legislation we will be working on...

Business Breakfast in Annapolis - Thank You!
Delegates Lily Qi, Brian Crosby and I held a business breakfast this morning at Market House in Annapolis to talk about the upcoming...

My 2020 Session Agenda
2020 Session Agenda My agenda for the 2020 session will include working to help pass Maryland’s Blueprint for the Future (Kirwan...

My Role in Annapolis 2020
The 2020 Legislative Session is just a month away! I will be sending newsletters throughout the session as a way of keeping you informed...

Results, End of Session Recap
Introduction Much progress was made during the 2019 General Assembly Regular Session. This newsletter is a brief summary of legislation...

Howard County officials tout state funding for flood cleanup in Ellicott City and potentially elsewh
April 8, 2019 Phil Davis and Erin B. Logan Contact Reporter The Baltimore Sun Howard County officials are touting millions of dollars in...

HB1409 Update
HB1409 giving the County Council the ability to set the builder impact fees used for schools has passed the House of Delegates. Next...

This Week in Annapolis
Crossover Complete Crossover week was busy with multiple voting sessions per day in order to move as many bills as possible from the...

Criminal Justice Reform
This Wednesday at St. John’s Parish Day School 630 pm #mdga19 #hocomd #working4md

HB 428 Will Provide $5 Million to Help Towns Like Ellicott City Fight Flooding
HB 428, my bill to provide $5 million a year to help towns like Ellicott City fight flooding passed the House of Delegates this morning...